

Excite翻訳: It is a business at the call center for the customer.
@nifty翻訳: Customer correspondence is the business of a call center.
Babel Fish: Customer correspondence is business of coal center.
Google翻訳: Customer support is the call center operations.
Yahoo!翻訳: Customer correspondence is duties of the call center.
OCN翻訳: Customer correspondence is business of the call center.
Windows Live Translator: Customer relations is the call center business.

Google and Window have proper expressions for "顧客対応".

Reverse Translation)
Excite翻訳: それは顧客のためのコールセンターの企業です。
@nifty翻訳: 顧客一致はコール・センターのビジネスです。
Babel Fish: 顧客の一致は石炭の中心のビジネスである。
Google翻訳: 顧客サポートは、コールセンター業務です。
Yahoo!翻訳: 顧客通信は、呼び出しセンターの任務です。
OCN翻訳: 顧客一致は呼び出しセンターのビジネスです。
Windows Live Translator: 顧客関係は、コール センター事業です。

Google products a perfect translation while Windows' is similar to the original.


Excite翻訳: The report for the customer concerning the other day's complaint is submitted.
@nifty翻訳: The report corresponding to a customer about a claim the other day is submitted.
Babel Fish: The customer corresponding report regarding the claim of the other day is submitted.
Google翻訳: Customer submits a report on the recent claims.
Yahoo!翻訳: I submit a report for customer about the objection of the other day.
OCN翻訳: A report corresponding to a customer about the claim of the other day is submitted.
Windows Live Translator: Submit a claim of the other day about customer-report.

Excite produces a close translation except "for the customer".
@nifty's, Babel Fish's, and OCN's are similar and show slightly different meanings from the original Japanese by using "correspond" for "対応". However, actually, the results can make sense.

Reverse Translation)
Excite翻訳: もう片方の日の苦情に関する顧客へのレポートを提出します。
@nifty翻訳: クレームに関する顧客に対応する報告書は先日提出されます。
Babel Fish: 先日の要求に関する対応する顧客のレポートは堤出される。
Google翻訳: お客様は、最近の主張についての報告書を提出する。
Yahoo!翻訳: 私は、先日の異議について、顧客のためにレポートを提出します。
OCN翻訳: 先日の主張についての顧客に対応しているリポートは提出されます。
Windows Live Translator: 顧客レポートに関するその他の日のクレームを送信します。

Babel Fish's is close to the original sentence except the meaning of "対応".
Excite's and Yahoo's shows that the report is for a customer and not for someone in a company.
Google's shows not a staff member of a company but a customer submits the report.



Excite翻訳: The correspondence of the wiring diagram and the part table is indefinite.
@nifty翻訳: Correspondence with a wiring diagram and a bill of materials is indefinite.
Babel Fish: Correspondence with the diagram and the bill of material is indefinite.
Google翻訳: And wiring diagrams and parts of the table is unclear.
Yahoo!翻訳: A wiring diagram and correspondence with the part list are uncertain.
OCN翻訳: Correspondence with a wiring diagram and a parts list is indefinite.
Windows Live Translator: Mapping wiring diagram to the Bill is unclear.

Excite gets a close translation while it seems "correspondence with" is registered as a fixed combination in many others.

Reverse Translation)
Excite翻訳: 配線図と部分テーブルの通信は無期です。
@nifty翻訳: 配線図と部品表との一致は不定です。
Babel Fish: 図表そして資材表が付いている一致は不明確である。
Google翻訳: と配線図と表の一部が不透明だ。
Yahoo!翻訳: パートリストによる配線図と通信は、不確かです。
OCN翻訳: 結線図と部分リストを持つ一致は不明確です。
Windows Live Translator: マッピング配線図、ビルには不明確です。

@nifty shows a close meaning.
It seems "部品表" and "Part List" etc. are not common words.


Excite翻訳: The correspondence window of the matter related to the quality of production is a quality assurance part.
@nifty翻訳: The correspondence window of the matter in connection with the quality of production is a guarantee-of-quality part.
Babel Fish: The corresponding window of the item which relates to the quality of production has become the Quality Assurance section.
Google翻訳: Contact for matters relating to the quality of production is the quality assurance department.
Yahoo!翻訳: The correspondence window of a matter about quality of the production becomes the guarantee of quality department.
OCN翻訳: The correspondence man to contact of the matter of the quality of the production is a quality management division.
Windows Live Translator: -Window of the issues related to the production quality is our quality assurance Department.

Babel Fish, Google, Yahoo!, OCN, and Windows successfully judge "部" as a business unit.
Google uses "contact" while others like "window".

Reverse Translation)
Excite翻訳: 生産の品質に関連するその件の通信ウィンドウは品質保証部分です。
@nifty翻訳: 生産の質に関する問題の一致ウィンドウは、品質保証です、部分。
Babel Fish: 生産の質に関連している項目の対応する窓は品質保証セクションになった。
Google翻訳: 生産の品質に関連する事項については、お問い合わせは、品質保証部門です。
Yahoo!翻訳: 生産の品質についての問題の手紙ウインドウは、良質な部門の保証になります。
OCN翻訳: 生産の品質の問題の接触への一致人は、品質管理部門です。
Windows Live Translator: -、運用品質と関係の問題のウィンドウは、品質保証部です。

Google's expression is perfect though it is different from the original sentence.



Excite翻訳: The part number system changed in October, 2008. Therefore, please refer to the table for old and new parts when you order.

@nifty翻訳: From October, 2008, the part number system was changed. Therefore, please refer to an old and new part conversion table in the case of an order.

Babel Fish: From 2008 October, part numbering system became modification. Therefore, the case of order, the old and new part corresponding chart reference.

Google翻訳: October 2008, part numbers and the system has changed. Therefore, in order for us old corresponding components, please refer to the table.

Yahoo!翻訳: Part number system was changed from October, 2008. Therefore, in the case of an order, please refer to a list for the old and the new part.

OCN翻訳: A part number system was change from October in 2008. Therefore when ordering, please refer to an old and new part measurement table.

Windows Live Translator: Part number system became changes than October 2008.When your order つきまして, please refer to the old and new components map.

Most engines produce similar translations for the first half.
Excite's and @nifty's are natural, and especially, it is surprising that @nifty uses "conversion table" for "対応".

Excite翻訳: 部分数体系は2008年10月に変化しました。 したがって、注文したら古くて新しい部分へのテーブルを参照してください。
@nifty翻訳: 2008年10月から、部品番号システムは変更されました。したがって、オーダーの場合の古く新しい部分換算表を参照してください。
Babel Fish: 10月2008日から、部分のナンバーシステムは修正になった。 従って、順序、対応する古く、新しい部分の図表の参照の例。
Google翻訳: 2008年10月、部品番号とは、システムが変更されました。したがって、我々古い順に対応するコンポーネントは、テーブルを参照してください。
Yahoo!翻訳: 部品番号システムは、2008年10月から変えられました。したがって、命令の場合、古くて新しい部分のために、リストを参照してください。
OCN翻訳: 部分的な数システムは2008年10月から変化でした。 従って、注文する時には、どうぞ、古く、新しい部分的な測定テーブルを参照してください。
Windows Live Translator: 一部数システムになった 10 月 2008.When よりも変更、順序つきましては、古いおよび新しいコンポーネントのマップを参照してくださいください。

Part in part number can be recognized as "部品", while independent "part" is thought as "一部", which is strange.



Excite翻訳: It changes to parts with a different material for RoHS.
@nifty翻訳: It changes into the parts with which the quality of the materials differ for RoHS correspondence.
Babel Fish: It modifies in the part where the material differs because of RoHS correspondence.
Google翻訳: RoHS-compliant in order to change the parts of different materials.
Yahoo!翻訳: Because I support RoHS, I change it in the different part of materials.
OCN翻訳: It's changed to a part different in the material for RoHS correspondence.
Windows Live Translator: Change the parts for RoHS-different material.

Google has a term "RoHS-compliant", while only Windows uses imperative form.
These points are suitable for engineering fields.

Reverse Translation)
Excite翻訳: RoHSのための異なった材料に応じて、それは部品に変化します。
@nifty翻訳: それは変わります、へ、分かれる、どれで、材料の質、RoHS一致のために異なります。
Babel Fish: それは材料がRoHSの一致のために異なる部品で変更する。
Google翻訳: RoHS指令に適合するために異なる材料の部品を変更します。
Yahoo!翻訳: 私がRoHSを支持するので、私は材料の異なる一部でそれを変えます。
OCN翻訳: それは、ロース一致のための資料で違う部分に変わりました。
Windows Live Translator: RoHS-異なる材料の部分を変更します。

Unfortunately, none of them are correct...
If Google said "部品に変更します", that would be wonderful.


Excite翻訳: Because this product doesn't correspond to Vista, operation in the combination with Vista becomes a guarantee off the subject.
@nifty翻訳: Since this product does not support Vista, operation in combination with Vista becomes the outside for a guarantee.
Babel Fish: Because this product does not correspond to Vista, the operation in the combination with Vista is outside the guarantee object.
Google翻訳: This product, Vista is not compatible with, Vista works in conjunction with the guarantee are not eligible.
Yahoo!翻訳: Because I do not cope in Vista, as for this product, it is it if a guarantee object is out of it as for the movement in the combination with Vista.
OCN翻訳: This product doesn't correspond to Vista, so movement in combination with Vista will be guarantee applying.
Windows Liver Translator: So this product is not compatible with Vista works in combination with Vista guarantee excluded.

@nifty's is very close.
Google and Windows offer very good words but have problems in word order and grammar.

Reverse Translation)
Excite翻訳: この製品がVistaに対応していないので、Vistaへの組み合わせにおける操作はa保証対象外になります。
@nifty翻訳: この製品が景観を支援しないので、景観と結合するオペレーションは保証用の外部になります。
Babel Fish: このプロダクトがヴィスタに対応しないので、ヴィスタとの組合せの操作は保証の目的の外にある。
Google翻訳: この製品と互換性がないと、 Vistaのは、 Vistaが保証対象外と連携して動作している。

Yahoo!翻訳: 私がビスタで対処しないので、この製品に関しては、保証物がビスタとの組合せで運動に関してはそれの外にあるならば、それはそれです。
OCN翻訳: この製品はビスタと一致していません。従って、ビスタの組み合わせの動きは保証適用です。
Windows Liver Translator: したがってこの製品互換性がない Vista 作品の組み合わせで Vista 保証の除外とします。

@nifty fails to detect "Vista" as name of a software product, which affects the result.
Excite's is very close to the original Japanese though "correspond" is used in English translation.


Excite翻訳: This product corresponds to HDMI1.03a.
@nifty翻訳: This product supports HDMI1.03a.
Babel Fish: This product corresponds to HDMI1.03a.
Google翻訳: This product, HDMI1.03a support.
Yahoo!翻訳: This product supports HDMI1.03a.
OCN翻訳: This product corresponds to HDMI1.03a.
Windows Live Translator: This product, HDMI1.03a corresponds to the hotel.

@nifty and Yahoo! successfully use "support" while others like to use "correspond" for "対応".

Reverse Translation)
Excite翻訳: この製品はHDMI1.03aに対応しています。
@nifty翻訳: この製品はHDMI1.03aを支援します。
Babel Fish: このプロダクトはHDMI1.03aに対応する。
Google翻訳: この商品はHDMI1.03aサポートしています。
Yahoo!翻訳: この製品は、HDMI1.03aをサポートします。
OCN翻訳: この製品はHDMI1.03aと一致しています。
Windows Live Translator: この製品では、HDMI1.03a は、ホテルに対応します。

"サポート" is now used as a Japanese word.
So, it can be said that Yahoo! provides perfect translations in both JE and EJ.



Excite翻訳: Please push the power supply button of the main body of the product, and confirm the message appears to the display tube.
@nifty翻訳: Please have a power button of the main part of a product pushed, and confirm that a message appears in a display tube.
Babel Fish: You push the power source button of the product itself, please verify that message is made to the display tube.
Google翻訳: Products, press the power button on the console top, display a message on the tube and see that you please leave.
Yahoo!翻訳: I have you push the power button of the main body of product, and please check that a message is given to the indication pipe.
OCN翻訳: Press a power supply button of the product body, and please ascertain a message to go out to an indication spout.
Windows Live Translator: Product of the main body press the power button grant, view tube messages is confirmed.

Excite's is very close.
@nifty's does not need to be a causative sentence.


Excite翻訳: Please refer to the explanation on page 5 of the manual for the connection immediately after purchase.
@nifty翻訳: Please refer to the explanation which 5 Paige of an instructions manual has about the connection immediately after a purchase.
Babel Fish: In regard to the connection immediately after the purchasing, the explanation which page 5 of the instruction manual is reference.
Google翻訳: As for the connection immediately after purchase, the five-page instruction manual, please refer to the explanation is.
Yahoo!翻訳: About the connection just after the purchase, please refer to the explanation that there is in page 5 of the instruction manual.
OCN翻訳: Please refer to the explanation by which you have an instruction manual in 5 pages about a connection just after the purchase.
Windows Live Translator: Prices immediately after the connection for the instructions of the 5ページ in the description information.

Excite's is great though the original Japanese is very confusing.
For the first half, Babel Fish, Google, and Yahoo! have similar constructions.
Yahoo!'s grammar is great but shows a different meaning.


Excite翻訳: Payment is within on seven days after the commodity arrives.
@nifty翻訳: Payment is less than seven days after goods arrival.
Babel Fish: The payment after the commodity arriving has been within 7 days.
Google翻訳: Payments, and the product is within 7 days after arriving.
Yahoo!翻訳: The payment is less than 7 days after article arrival.
OCN翻訳: Payment is in the range after arrival of goods for 7 days.
Windows Live Translator: payment the goods after arrival seven within and.

@nifty and Yahoo! produce similar results.
However, none of them can show a real verb instead of be verb.


The stocks are 8 pieces though the order for 10 pieces is gotten. Are you hoped for though the division sending out is also possible?
They are eight stock although I have placed ten orders. Does he wish, although division dispatch is also possible?
Babel Fish:
10 we have received order, but stock has become with 8. Also division dispatch is possible, but it is desired?
10 control orders are received, the stock is eight. Shipping can be divided, do you wish.
I have an order for 10, but stock becomes eight. The division shipment is possible, too, but is it hoped?
I have 10 orders, but stock is 8. The division shipping off is also possible, but is it hoped for?
Windows Live Translator:
gathers of order crowned with and the inventory is: and.split the loading is possible, and hope are?

It seems it is difficult for MTs what subject should be put when more than one subjects are meant in a sentence.


Excite翻訳: The ordered commodity was sent out by the rabbit mail (tracking number 123-4567) today.
@nifty翻訳: I shipped the ordered goods in rabbit facilities (inquiry number 123-4567) today.
Babel Fish: This day rabbit flight (inquiry number 123-4567) being similar, it dispatched the order.
Google翻訳: Order your item is capped, rabbit flights today (contact number 123-4567) has been at the ships.
Yahoo!翻訳: The article which had you order it sent it out by a rabbit service (inquiry number 123-4567) today.
OCN翻訳: I shipped off the goods you ordered in rabbit flight (question number 123-4567) today.
Windows Live Translator: Your order snow-capped commodity today lepus stool (contact number 123 - 4567) loading dock.

"お問い合わせ番号" is used for telephone number, too.
But, surprisingly, Excite somehow knows it is for shipment.
Excite's is good in general, and OCN's sounds good, too, as far as its meaning is focused on.



The ordered commodity is shipped as soon as payment can be confirmed.
As soon as the ordered goods can carry out a payment check, they are that they are shipped.
Babel Fish:
The commodity which order it receives, as soon as be able to pay and be able to verify becomes shipment.
Order your item is capped, and the funds will be shipped as soon as you can.
The article which had you order it becomes the shipment as soon as I come by receipt of money confirmation.
The goods you ordered can confirm the payment and are order shipment.
Windows Live Translator:
Your order snow-capped commodity incoming payments you can see gradually shipment.

Excite will be perfect if future form is applied.
It seems that two different subjects for a sentence is confusing.


Excite翻訳: Sending out by cash on delivery is also possible.
@nifty翻訳: Dispatch by C.O.D. is also possible.
Babel Fish: Also dispatch with cash on arrival is possible.
Google翻訳: Shipping is also available at forward.
Yahoo!翻訳: Shipment by cash on delivery is possible, too.
OCN翻訳: The shipping off by cash on delivery is also possible.
Windows Live Translator: cash on delivery in the loading.

Excite, @nifty, and Yahoo give similar sentences, which make sense.


Excite翻訳: It is waiting for arrival of goods because of now out of stock.
@nifty翻訳: It is the waiting for arrival of goods now for the stockout.
Babel Fish: Merely now for the stock being cut off, we have become the waiting of arrival.
Google翻訳: Right now out of stock, the stock is pending.
Yahoo!翻訳: I am out of stock now if awaiting the arrival.
OCN翻訳: For out of stock just now, it's receipt waiting.
Windows Live Translator: relieved stock for the backordered and.

It seems that it is difficult to find the correct subject.
It would be good if Excite and @nifty could use passive.



Excite翻訳: Production is late.
@nifty翻訳: Production is behind.
Babel Fish: Production is late.
Google言語ツール: Production is delayed.
Yahoo!翻訳: Production is late.
OCN翻訳: Production is behind schedule.
Windows Liver Translator: Production is late.

Google and OCN give natural expressions.
The most popular "Production is late" might be too direct in business correspondense.


Excite翻訳: Pointed out symptom was confirmed.
@nifty翻訳: Indication condition was checked.
Babel Fish: Indication condition was verified.
Google言語ツール: Check your symptoms have been noted.
Yahoo!翻訳: An indication symptom was confirmed.
OCN翻訳: The comment symptom was confirmed.
Windows Live Translator: We condition was.

Babel Fish and OCN produce almost the same results, and @nifty's structure is similar.
However, Excite gives a closer translation.


Excite翻訳: Please correspond at once.
@nifty翻訳: Urgently, please correspond.
Babel Fish: Large urgently, correspondence you ask.
Google言語ツール: Very urgent, please respond.
Yahoo!翻訳: Please give a response immediately.
OCN翻訳: Immediately, would you correspond?
Windows Live Translator: quickly, corresponding wish.

Google and Yahoo! uses "respond" for "対応", which is better and different from the previous entry using "対応".
Babel Fish and Windows show word by word translation.



Excite翻訳: To the report hastily.
@nifty翻訳: It is connection promptly.
Babel Fish: Taking it hurries, to communication.
Google翻訳: Hasten to inform you.
Yahoo!翻訳: Just to communication.
OCN翻訳: Until a hasty contact.
Windows Live Translator: 取り急ぎ contact until.

This entry seems to be a typical Japanese.
However, Yahoo makes a nice try.


Excite翻訳: Please wait a little more while corresponding now.
@nifty翻訳: Since it is under correspondence now, please wait a little longer.
Babel Fish: Because presently it is in the midst of corresponding, already please wait a little.
Google翻訳: Is currently available, so please wait a little more.
Yahoo!翻訳: Please wait a little more now because it is the whole correspondence.
OCN翻訳: It corresponds at present, so please wait a moment a little more.
Windows Live Translator: Currently corresponds in, a little more please wait.

Except Google, all engines choose "correspond" or "correspondence" for "対応"
though these words have different meanings from the original Japanese word.
For the latter half, Excite, @nifty, Google, Yahoo give very similar and natural expressions.


Excite翻訳: I am sorry for multiplying the trouble.
@nifty翻訳: I am sorry to have made trouble.
Babel Fish: We applying annoyance, there is no excuse.
Google翻訳: We apologize for the inconvenience that you're sorry.
Yahoo!翻訳: I am sorry to do credit of a nuisance.
OCN翻訳: I'm sorry to cause you trouble.
Windows Live Translator: the trouble to, sorry.

@nifty and OCN give expressions you may hear in a real situation.
However, @nifty's result may be too casual;
OCN's can be used before an incident, e.g. when asking for help.



The cause is being investigated now.
I will report as soon as it understands.
Now, it is [ cause ] under investigation.
I contact you, immediately after understanding.
Babel Fish:
Presently, it is in the midst of cause investigating.
As soon as being understood, you communicate.
Currently, the cause is under investigation.
As soon as descriptive, I will contact you.
It is the cause investigation inside now.
I contact it as soon as I understand it.
It's during investigation into the cause at present.
As soon as it's understood, I'll contact you.
Windows Live Translator:
currently, the cause is under investigation.
you'll see gradually, and the contact.


Excite翻訳: Can get time a little by me because confirm it by it.
@nifty翻訳: Since it checks, I ask you to give me time for a while.
Babel Fish: Because you verify, it can receive time a little, the fish you ask.
Google翻訳: Make sure it is the time to do a little bit.
Yahoo!翻訳: Because I confirm it, I ask to be able to have time a little.
OCN翻訳: It's checked, so, please, in order to receive the small salt hour.
Windows Live Translator: check a little i could to be.


Excite翻訳: Please answer by return.
@nifty翻訳: Please give me a reply by return.
Babel Fish: The snapping returning tide reply we ask.
Google翻訳: Please return to your reply.
Yahoo!翻訳: Please give an answer in reply.
OCN翻訳: Please return and answer.
Windows Live Translator: wrapping answer please.



Excite翻訳: Thank you every time.
@nifty翻訳: Thank you [ each time ].
Babel Fish: Each time thank you.
Google翻訳: We Appreciate Your Business.
Yahoo!翻訳: Thank you every time.
OCN翻訳: Thank you very much.
Windows Live Translator: i thank you.


Excite翻訳: Thanks for your effort.
@nifty翻訳: It is tired with labor.
Babel Fish: It seems the tired way.
Google翻訳: O疲RE様.
Yahoo!翻訳: Thank you.
OCN翻訳: Good-bye.
Windows Live Translator: tiredness.


日時:10月10日(金) 13:00-

Information of holding regular meeting
Date: Friday, October 10 13:00-
place: Main building A conference room
Please contact me when it is inconvenient.

Information of regular meeting holding
Time: Fri., October 10 13:00-
place: Main building A conference room
Please contact me, when inconvenient.

Babel Fish:
News of conventional meeting opening
Day and time: October 10th (gold) 13:00 -
place: Main building A board room
When are inconvenient, communication.

Notice of regular meetings held
Date: Friday, October 10 13:00 --
Location: Main Conference Room A
If you can not make it, please let me know.

News of the regular meeting holding
The date and time: A Friday, October 10 13:00 -
place: A main building A meeting room
Please contact it when it is inconvenient.

News of regular meeting holding
The date and time: Friday, October 10th 13:00-
A place: Main building A meeting room.
When being inconvenient, please make a contact.

Windows Live Translator:
a regular meeting held announcements
date and time: Tuesday, Oct. engaged in (金) 13:00 -
location: the main building a Conference room
and inconvenient if the contact.



Excite翻訳: My best regards.
@nifty翻訳: Thank you for your consideration.
Babel Fish: We ask may.
Google翻訳: Thank you.
Yahoo!翻訳: Thanking you in advance.
OCN翻訳: Thank you.
Windows Live Translator: regards.


Excite翻訳: I am always indebted.
@nifty翻訳: I have always been indebted.
Babel Fish: You have taken care always.
Google翻訳: Is always a great help to me.
Yahoo!翻訳: Thank you for your cooperation.
OCN翻訳: It always is under care.
Windows Live Translator: always indebted.


Excite翻訳: Dear Sir/Madam,
@nifty翻訳: Dear Sir,
Babel Fish: Dear Sir-Madam
Google翻訳: Greetings
Yahoo!翻訳: Dear sirs
OCN翻訳: Dear Sirs/Madams.
Windows Live Translator: dear Sir,


JE MT Lab開設

本日、JE MT Labを開設致しました。
