

Excite翻訳: I am sorry for multiplying the trouble.
@nifty翻訳: I am sorry to have made trouble.
Babel Fish: We applying annoyance, there is no excuse.
Google翻訳: We apologize for the inconvenience that you're sorry.
Yahoo!翻訳: I am sorry to do credit of a nuisance.
OCN翻訳: I'm sorry to cause you trouble.
Windows Live Translator: the trouble to, sorry.

@nifty and OCN give expressions you may hear in a real situation.
However, @nifty's result may be too casual;
OCN's can be used before an incident, e.g. when asking for help.

1 件のコメント:

N_O さんのコメント...

New @nifty: I am sorry for multiplying the trouble.
WorldLingo: We applying annoyance, there is no excuse.