Original Text:
Modified Text:
Excite翻訳: @nifty翻訳:
We have already cooperated with the other companies. Moreover, because we are doing the business by the minimum number of men, we do not have room that examines expand operations.
私たちは既に他の会社と協力しました。 そのうえ、男性の最小の数に従ってやってのけているので、私たちには事業の拡張を調べる余地がありません。
Babel Fish:
We cooperate with other companies already. In addition, because we with the minimum staff, have done business, we expansion of business there is no room which examines.
私達は他の会社に既に協力する。 さらに、ので最低のスタッフとの私達は、ビジネスを、私達したそこのビジネスの拡張は検査する部屋ではない。
We are already partnering with other companies. In addition, our staff is minimal, so we do business, we do not have time to study the extension of the project.
We have already cooperated with other companies. In addition, I cannot afford to examine the expansion of the business as for us because we are the minimum staff and perform a business.
We cooperate with an other company already. We're being a minimum staff and are carrying on business, so the expansion by which we're business, there is no room where consideration is done.
私達はすでに他の会社と協力しています。 私達は最小のスタッフであり、ビジネスを続けています。従って、私達がビジネスであり、考慮がされる部屋が全然ない拡張。
Bing Translator:
We are already affiliated and other companies.In addition, we minimize personnel, business, so we room to consider extending the business.
提携し、その他の companies.In 追加既におります、私たちスタッフ、最小化事業、お部屋、ビジネスを拡張することを検討するため。
We have already tied up with the other company. Moreover, since we are the minimum staffs and are undertaking the enterprise, we cannot afford to inquire in enterprise extension.
For the first sentence, Livedoor's translation sounds good.
For the first half of the second sentence, Excite & @nifty produces a relatively natural output.
However, for the other part, "事業," "拡張," and "検討" seem to be difficult to handle.
A Regency Birthday
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