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Excite翻訳: @nifty翻訳:
We troubled you very much because defective goods had mixed with the stuffed animal that we had delivered to you the other day. I am sorry indeed.
不良品が私たちが先日あなたに届けたぬいぐるみを混ぜたので、私たちはあなたをたいへん煩わしました。 本当に、すみません。
Babel Fish:
Because the inferior goods have mixed in the sewing involving which some days ago we pay to you, we bet very annoyance on you. Excuse it was not truly.
劣った商品がある日前に私達があなたに支払う縫う包含で混合したので、私達はあなたで厄介を非常に賭ける。 弁解それは偽りなくなかった。
That had been defective for incorporation into your stuffed animal that we recently delivered to us, we bet a lot of inconvenience to you guys. We are very sorry.
We troubled you very much the other day because a defective article got mixed in the stuffed toy which we delivered to you. I am really sorry.
We caused you trouble very much because a defective product was mixed in the stuffed animal we delivered to you the other day. I apologize for that truly.
私達はトラブルをあなたにとても起こしました。なぜなら、欠陥製品は、先日私達があなたに配達した詰められた動物に添えられたからです。 私はそれについて本当に謝ります。
Bing Translator:
Was mixed with defects is in the stuffed animal recently we have delivered to you, so we to you very trouble solution.Could indeed sorry.
欠陥を混合した、ぬいぐるみには私たちを solution.Could 実に気の毒大変迷惑ので私たちに配信が最近です。
Since inferior goods were mixing into the stuffed animal which we supplied to you the other day, we made you trouble very much. I felt sorry truly.
The numbers of stuffed animals and defective ones do not make sence in the outputs by Excite & @nifty, Yahoo!, OCN though their structures seem good.
A Regency Birthday
2 日前
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