Excite翻訳: One evening in one morning
@nifty翻訳: Short period of time
Babel Fish: In one day
Google翻訳: Overnight
Yahoo!翻訳: In a brief interval
OCN翻訳: A very short time
Windows live Translation: 一朝一夕
@nifty, Babel Fish, Google, and OCN show the main idea embedded in the original Japanese in different expressions.
Reverse Translation)
Excite翻訳: ある朝ある晩
@nifty翻訳: 時間の短期
Babel Fish: 1日
Google翻訳: 一夜
Yahoo!翻訳: 短い間隔に
OCN翻訳: 非常に短い時間
Windows live Translation: 一朝一夕
Babel Fish, Google, and OCN reproduce similar expressions to the original Japanese.
A Regency Birthday
2 日前
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