Excite翻訳: Shelf rice cake
@nifty翻訳: From a shelf to ぼた餅
Babel Fish: The [bo] it is from the shelf the rice cake
Google翻訳: BOTA餅from shelves
Yahoo!翻訳: It is a rice cake covered with bean jam from a shelf
OCN翻訳: From a shelf, botamochi
Windows Live Translator: Shelf from ぼた餅.
Surprisingly, Yahoo! has information on what "ぼた餅" is like though it does not show the real meaning.
Reverse Translation)
Excite翻訳: 棚のもち
@nifty翻訳: ぼた餅への棚から
Babel Fish: [bo]それは棚からライスケーキである
Google翻訳: 棚からボタ饼
Yahoo!翻訳: それは、棚から豆ジャムでおおわれている餅です
OCN翻訳: 棚、botamochiから
Windows Live Translator: ぼた餅から棚。
Excite literally succeeds in translation between English and Japanese to some extent.
Google's outputs are also reasonable though they do not explain the real meaning.
A Regency Birthday
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