Excite翻訳: Better to ask the way than go astray.
@nifty翻訳: He who is ashamed of asking is ashamed of learning
Babel Fish: You hear temporary shame, you do not hear shame of lifetime
Google翻訳: Hear the shame of the moment, the shame of life聞KANU
Yahoo!翻訳: Shame of 聞 くは 1:00, shame of the 聞 かぬは life
OCN翻訳: Shame in the HA life some HA time heard is ashamed and doesn't hear
Windows Live Translator: Is heard is 聞かぬ temporary shame, shame of life
Excite and @nifty have special expressions.
Reverse Translation)
Excite翻訳: 道を尋ねるのは紛失するより良いです。
@nifty翻訳: 尋ねることを恥じる人は学習を恥じます。
Babel Fish: 一時的な恥、聞かない寿命の恥を聞く
Google翻訳: 耳には、一時の恥、人生の恥闻カヌ
Yahoo!翻訳: 聞くは1の恥:00(聞かぬは生命の恥)
OCN翻訳: 聞かれたHAライフ数ha回の恥辱は恥じて、それには聞こえません
Windows Live Translator:聞いたが聞かぬ一時の恥、生活の恥は
Excite's and @nifty's make sense though both of them are different from the original saying.
A Regency Birthday
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