Original Text:
さて、先日、貴社の製品電子辞書A-1234をホームページで知り、当社でも購入を検討したいと考えております。 つきましては、A-1234に関しまして、できるだけ詳細なカタログや資料を御送付いただきたくお願い申し上げます。 御多用中誠に恐縮に存じますが、よろしくお願いいたします。まずはとり急ぎお知らせいたします。
Well, our company also thinks that it wants to consider buying by knowing your product electronic dictionary A-1234 on the homepage the other day. Therefore, I would like you to send a detailed catalog and material as much as possible for A-1234. My best regards though indeed thought grateful during busy. I will inform you of it first of all in haste.
Well, our company also thinks that it wants to consider buying by knowing your product electronic dictionary A-1234 on the homepage the other day. Therefore, I would like you to send a detailed catalog and material as much as possible for A-1234. My best regards though indeed thought grateful during busy. I will inform you of it first of all in haste.
さて、また、弊社は先日ホームページの上であなたの製品電子辞書A-1234を知ることによって買うと考えたがっていると思います。 したがって、私は、A-1234のために詳細なカタログと資料をできるだけ送って欲しいと思います。 感謝していると本当に思われますが、私の最も良いあいさつは忙しくします。 まず、私はそれについてあなたに急いで知らせるつもりです。
Babel Fish:
Well, we think that some days ago, you know the product electronic dictionary A-1234 of your corporation in the home page, would like to examine purchase even at this corporation. Therefore, in regard to A-1234, is as detailed as possible sending we would like to receive the catalog and the data which, ask. You know truly in the midst of using in regret, but we ask may. First you take and hurry and inform.
Well, recently, electronic dictionary products in your home to know A-1234, we hope to consider in our purchase. We are, A-1234 found, thank you I want you to send catalogs and materials as much detail as possible. I would be grateful to us in our versatility, thank you. We will notify them hurry.
さて、最近では、あなたの家では電子辞書の製品は知って- 1234 、私たちは購入を検討してまいります。 私たちは、 - 1234が、私はあなたのカタログとできる限りの詳細は資料を送付するには感謝しています。 私たちへの汎用性では、感謝感謝である。 私たちはそれを急いで通知されます。
By the way, I know product electronic dictionary A-1234 of your company in a homepage and want to examine the purchase the other day in us. Therefore, besides please dispatch a catalogue and a document detailed as possible and ask about A-1234. Feel really grateful while you're busy,; but thanking you in advance. At first I just inform it
ところで、私はホームページであなたの会社の製品電子辞書A-1234を知っていて、我々で先日購入を調べたいです。 したがって、また、できるだけ詳述されるカタログと文書を送って、A-1234について尋ねてください。 あなたが忙しい間、本当に感謝すると感じてください;しかし、前もってあなたに感謝すること。最初は、私はちょうどそれに知らせます
Now, even we know about your product electronic dictionaries A-1234 on the Web site the other day, and would like to consider purchase. Therefore I would like to ask you to remit me a catalog as in-depth as possible and material about A-1234. Thank you very much is good for a truth during using, please.I'll hasten to take it first and I inform you.
今や、私達でさえ先日ウェブサイトの製品電子辞書A-1234を知り、購入を考慮したい。 従って、私は、あなたに、できる限り詳細なカタログと素材約A-1234を私に送るように頼みたい。 あなたにとても感謝する どうぞ、使う間の真理に良くてください。私は急ぎ、最初に、それを取り、私はあなたに知らせます。
Bing Translator:
I believe well, the your product electronic dictionary A-1234 to know on the homepage, we also buy want to consider. つきまして, A-1234 regarding as much as possible detailed catalog and materials and shipping i want to please. I feel grateful to in your busy in Makoto, thank you.First of all とり急ぎ news will be.
さてと信じて、製品の電子辞書を買う私たちも、ホームページで知るには、A-1234年を検討します。 つきまして、可能な限りの詳細なカタログに関する A-1234年材料および配布 i お願いします。 誠、ありがとうでビジー状態にするには感謝を感じる。まずとり急ぎのニュースになります。
Now, I got to know the product electronic dictionary A-1234 of your company by the homepage, and think the other day that he wants for our company to also consider purchase. Therefore, I ask you to send the most detailed possible catalog and data about A-1234. Although I think among busy that I am very thankful, I need your help well. First of all, it takes, and I hurry, and announce you.
The original text is one of the sample business letters Japan Post is offering on their official website.
I will separate it to sentences and modify some part to see if the output can change or not from next post.
Reverse Translation is available only for some services that have convenient tools to try reverse translation.
A Regency Birthday
2 日前
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