Excite翻訳: Please teach the size and the weight of the freight.
@nifty翻訳: Please let me know the size and weight of cargo.
Babel Fish: Please teach the size and weight of the freight.
Google翻訳: Please tell us the size and weight of the cargo.
Yahoo!翻訳: Please teach size of the freight and weight.
OCN翻訳: Please tell me the size of the freight and the weight.
Windows Live Translator: Size of the cargo and weight?
@nifty and Google use more natural expressions such as "let me know" and "tell us" rather than "teach".
Yahoo!, OCN, and Windows judge "weight" as a separate word from "貨物".
Reverse Translation)
Excite翻訳: 貨物のサイズと重さを教えてください。
@nifty翻訳: 積荷のサイズおよび重量を知らせてください。
Babel Fish: 貨物のサイズそして重量を教えなさい。
Google翻訳: ご質問のサイズと重量は、貨物を教えて下さい。
Yahoo!翻訳: 貨物輸送と重さのサイズを教えてください。
OCN翻訳: どうぞ、貨物輸送と重量のサイズを私に話してください。
Windows Live Translator: 貨物と重量のサイズですか?
Excite and @nifty reproduce the original meaning,
while Babel Fish's output is also correct though it is not a request but an imperative.
A Regency Birthday
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