Excite!&@nifty: The superior leaves early to generate heat.
Livedoor: A boss leaves earlier than usual by generation of heat.
Yahoo!: The boss leaves it early for fever.
OCN: A boss leaves early by fever.
BabelFish: The superior, leaves early with heat generation.
Google: The boss to leave early in the heat.
Bing Translator: Boss is a 早退 heat.
Modified Text 1: 上司は、熱があるため早退する
Excite!&@nifty: The superior leaves early because he or she has a fever.
Livedoor: Since a boss has fever, he leaves earlier than usual.
Yahoo!: The boss leaves it early so that there is heat.
OCN: To have a fever, a boss leaves early.
BabelFish: The superior leaves early, because there is a heat.
Google: Boss to leave work early because of heat.
Bing Translator: 早退 to boss because of heat.
Modified Text 2: 上司は、熱があるので早退する。
Excite!&@nifty: Because the superior has a fever, it leaves early.
Livedoor: Since a boss has fever, he leaves earlier than usual.
Yahoo!: Because there is heat, the boss leaves it early.
OCN: He's feverish, so a boss leaves early.
BabelFish: Because the superior is a heat, it leaves early.
Google: Boss to leave work early because I have a fever.
Bing Translator: Because the Manager is the heat to 早退.
Modified Text 3: 上司が、熱を出したため早退する。
Excite!&@nifty: Because the superior ran a fever, it leaves early.
Livedoor: Since the boss gave off heat, he leaves earlier than usual.
Yahoo!: Because the boss ran a fever, I leave it early.
OCN: I leave early because a boss ran a fever.
BabelFish: Because the superior, heat is put out, it leaves early.
Google: Boss to put the heat to leave early.
Bing Translator: For superior heat put out to 早退.
A Regency Birthday
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