Excite翻訳: Because this product doesn't correspond to Vista, operation in the combination with Vista becomes a guarantee off the subject.
@nifty翻訳: Since this product does not support Vista, operation in combination with Vista becomes the outside for a guarantee.
Babel Fish: Because this product does not correspond to Vista, the operation in the combination with Vista is outside the guarantee object.
Google翻訳: This product, Vista is not compatible with, Vista works in conjunction with the guarantee are not eligible.
Yahoo!翻訳: Because I do not cope in Vista, as for this product, it is it if a guarantee object is out of it as for the movement in the combination with Vista.
OCN翻訳: This product doesn't correspond to Vista, so movement in combination with Vista will be guarantee applying.
Windows Liver Translator: So this product is not compatible with Vista works in combination with Vista guarantee excluded.
@nifty's is very close.
Google and Windows offer very good words but have problems in word order and grammar.
Reverse Translation)
Excite翻訳: この製品がVistaに対応していないので、Vistaへの組み合わせにおける操作はa保証対象外になります。
@nifty翻訳: この製品が景観を支援しないので、景観と結合するオペレーションは保証用の外部になります。
Babel Fish: このプロダクトがヴィスタに対応しないので、ヴィスタとの組合せの操作は保証の目的の外にある。
Google翻訳: この製品と互換性がないと、 Vistaのは、 Vistaが保証対象外と連携して動作している。
Yahoo!翻訳: 私がビスタで対処しないので、この製品に関しては、保証物がビスタとの組合せで運動に関してはそれの外にあるならば、それはそれです。
OCN翻訳: この製品はビスタと一致していません。従って、ビスタの組み合わせの動きは保証適用です。
Windows Liver Translator: したがってこの製品互換性がない Vista 作品の組み合わせで Vista 保証の除外とします。
@nifty fails to detect "Vista" as name of a software product, which affects the result.
Excite's is very close to the original Japanese though "correspond" is used in English translation.
A Regency Birthday
2 日前
1 件のコメント:
New @nifty:
Because this product doesn't correspond to Vista, operation in the combination with Vista becomes a guarantee off the subject.
Because this product does not correspond to Vista, the operation in the combination with Vista is outside the guarantee object.
Reverse Translation)
New @nifty: