Excite翻訳: The report for the customer concerning the other day's complaint is submitted.
@nifty翻訳: The report corresponding to a customer about a claim the other day is submitted.
Babel Fish: The customer corresponding report regarding the claim of the other day is submitted.
Google翻訳: Customer submits a report on the recent claims.
Yahoo!翻訳: I submit a report for customer about the objection of the other day.
OCN翻訳: A report corresponding to a customer about the claim of the other day is submitted.
Windows Live Translator: Submit a claim of the other day about customer-report.
Excite produces a close translation except "for the customer".
@nifty's, Babel Fish's, and OCN's are similar and show slightly different meanings from the original Japanese by using "correspond" for "対応". However, actually, the results can make sense.
Reverse Translation)
Excite翻訳: もう片方の日の苦情に関する顧客へのレポートを提出します。
@nifty翻訳: クレームに関する顧客に対応する報告書は先日提出されます。
Babel Fish: 先日の要求に関する対応する顧客のレポートは堤出される。
Google翻訳: お客様は、最近の主張についての報告書を提出する。
Yahoo!翻訳: 私は、先日の異議について、顧客のためにレポートを提出します。
OCN翻訳: 先日の主張についての顧客に対応しているリポートは提出されます。
Windows Live Translator: 顧客レポートに関するその他の日のクレームを送信します。
Babel Fish's is close to the original sentence except the meaning of "対応".
Excite's and Yahoo's shows that the report is for a customer and not for someone in a company.
Google's shows not a staff member of a company but a customer submits the report.
A Regency Birthday
2 日前
1 件のコメント:
New @nifty:
The report for the customer concerning the other day's complaint is submitted.
The customer corresponding report regarding the claim of the other day is submitted.
Reverse Translation)
New @nifty: