Excite翻訳: Please push the power supply button of the main body of the product, and confirm the message appears to the display tube.
@nifty翻訳: Please have a power button of the main part of a product pushed, and confirm that a message appears in a display tube.
Babel Fish: You push the power source button of the product itself, please verify that message is made to the display tube.
Google翻訳: Products, press the power button on the console top, display a message on the tube and see that you please leave.
Yahoo!翻訳: I have you push the power button of the main body of product, and please check that a message is given to the indication pipe.
OCN翻訳: Press a power supply button of the product body, and please ascertain a message to go out to an indication spout.
Windows Live Translator: Product of the main body press the power button grant, view tube messages is confirmed.
Excite's is very close.
@nifty's does not need to be a causative sentence.
A Regency Birthday
2 日前
1 件のコメント:
New @nifty:
Please push the power supply button of the main body of the product, and confirm the message appears to the display tube.
WorldLingo: (Electronics)
You push the power source button of the product itself, please verify that message is made to the display tube.